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  • “监管型国家的兴起?美国、欧盟和中国的理论与实践”国际学术研讨会?议程
  • International Conference on “The Rise of the Regulatory State?

    Theory and Practice of the US, EU, and China”


    Co-organized by Center for Law and Economics, China University of Political Science and Law

    Maastricht European Institute for Transnational Legal Research

    Monday, May 10-11, 2015

    Sunday, 10th May, 2015

    9:00 am -11:30 am

    Registration. Location: Park Plaza (Beijing Science Park)

    11:30 am -13:30 pm

    Lunch break

    13:30 pm -17:00 pm

    Free discussion.

    Presided by Professor Tao Xi and Professor Michael Faure

    Monday, 11th May, 2015

    9:00 am – 9:30 am

    Opening Speeches (Presided by Professor Guangdong Xu)

    Professor Jiye Hu, China University of Political Science and Law

    Professor Michael Faure, Maastricht University

    9:30 am – 10:30 am

    10:30 am – 11:00 am

    Regulation, Law, and the Society (Part I, Chair: Professor Michael Faure)

    Jonathan Klick, University of Pennsylvania

    “Roam if You Want To: The Value of the Right to Exclude”

    Niels Philipsen, Maastricht University

    “Market Integration, Efficiency, and Fiscal Discipline: Evolving Goals of EU State Aid Policy?”

    Qing Zhang, China University of Political Science and Law

    “Rethinking Regulatory Licensing Reform in China”


    11:00 am – 11: 20 am

    Tea break

    11:20 am – 12:20 pm

    12:20 pm – 12:50 pm

    Regulation, Law, and the Society (Part II, Chair: Professor Jonathan Klick)

    Oswald Jansen, Maastricht University

    “Challenges of the Administrative Law Regulating Economic Activities”

    Jiye Hu, China University of Political Science and Law

    “The Importance of Institutional Investors: Lessons from Two Financial Crisis”

    Wenming Xu, China University of Political Science and Law

    “Reforming Private Securities Litigation in China: The Stock Market Has Already Cast Its Vote”


    12:50 pm – 14:20 pm

    Lunch break

    14:20 pm – 15:00 pm

    15:00 pm – 15:30 pm

    Regulation on Financial Markets (Chair: Professor Guangdong Xu)

    Wenjing Li, China University of Political Science and Law

    “A Roadmap of Insider Trading Regulation in China’s Capital Markets: Empirical Evidence and Case Studies”

    Lebing Wang, University of International Business and Economics

    “Destructive Financial Innovation and the Collapse of Private Law System”


    15:30 pm – 15:50 pm

    Tea break

    15:50 pm – 16:50 pm

    16:50 pm – 17:20 pm

    Environmental Regulation (Chair: Professor Niels Philipsen)

    Guangdong Xu, China University of Political Science and Law

    “Does the Environmental Kuznets Curve Hold for China: An Empirical Examination”

    Stefan Weishaar, University of Groningen

    “Environmental Standard Setting: Climate Change Regulation and Legal Risks and Opportunities under WTO Law”

    Roy Partain, Soongsil University

    “A Sustainable Strategy for China: Coordination of Efficient Regulation of Offshore CCS with the UNFCCC’s Clean Development Mechanism”


    17:20 pm – 17:40 pm

    Concluding Speeches

    Professor Qing Zhang, China University of Political Science and Law

    Professor Weishaar, University of Groningen

    17:40 pm – 18:00 pm

    Photo session

    18:00 pm
