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  • 李文静助理教授
  •  题目 期刊  论文 
     Regulation with Random Standards: Administrative Enforcement of Tipper Liability in China’s Insider Trading Cases(第二作者)  International Company and Commercial Law Review,2016 volume 27  
     Is There a Level Playing Field in China’s Capital Markets? An Analysis of Public   and Private Enforcement  Market Integration: The EU Experience and Implications for Reform   in China,2015年11月  
    缺乏救济的权利——侵权法实施的法经济学分析  台湾元照出版公司:《学说汇纂》第6卷,2015年7月

    Monitoring Shadow Banking: the case of China.

     Springer: Law and Finance: The  Role of Law and Regulations in Sustaining Financial Markets(论文集),2014年11月版  Monitoring Shadow Banking: the case of China.
    Affodable  Housing in China: Can Inclusionary Zoning really work?  《Economics and Regulation  in China》, Taylor & Francis,PP.48-62, 2013  Affodable  Housing in China: Can Inclusionary Zoning really work?
